Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 55

Chapter 55


Chapter 55: Frightened


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Bing nodded at Zhang Cuihua by way of greeting.

Zhang Cuihua didnt find his silence unusual; after all, everyone in the village was aware of his reserved nature. He was not one to engage in lengthy conversations.

Gu Zi clutched the vegetables tightly, deeply moved by the villagers genuine kindness. A smile of gratitude lit up her face.

She understood that this was Aunt Zhangs way of showing her appreciation. Gu Zi still recalled the milk candy shed given to Aunt Zhangs grandson on a previous occasion.

Accepting the cabbages graciously, Gu Zi responded, Thank you, Aunt Zhang. Well be heading back now.

Of course, take care and go on ahead, Zhang Cuihua replied, waving goodbye.

Her grandson, overhearing the conversation, ran up to them and exclaimed, Its the Fairy Sister! Its the Fairy Sister!

He turned to his grandma and asked, Grandma, can we go to Fairy Sisters house for dinner?

The boy vividly remembered the delicious food his fairy sister had prepared last time and couldnt help but drool at the thought.

Zhang Cuihua chuckled, teasing her grandson, You little glutton! How can you keep eating at Fairy Sisters house? Arent you ashamed?

Lets head back, she added as she held her grandsons hand and led him away.

Just then, Su Bing hurried over and handed some crispy candies to the child, saying, Grandma Zhang, she asked me to give these to your little grandson.

With that, Su Bing turned and left before Zhang Cuihua could respond. The child eagerly took a bite of the crispy candy, and a sweet smile spread across

his chubby face. Grandma, Fairy Sister is the best! he exclaimed.

Zhang Cuihua couldnt help but smile as she watched her delighted grandson.

Back at the Su family home, Gu Zi gave Su Le a bath and managed to get her to sleep. She then decided to take a shower herself.

Although she had already showered upon returning, the cooking had left her sweating, so she chose to shower again. This time, she showered more quickly.

After she wrapped herself in a towel and opened the bathroom door, a dark shadow suddenly rushed in from outside. Gu Zi was so startled that she screamed and fled from the bathroom.

Whats wrong? a mans deep voice called out.

Gu Zi had crashed into a solid chest and instinctively gripped its owners waist for support. The sensation was firm and powerful, causing her to blush and hide behind the man.

Gu Zi stammered, I-I think it was a rat.

In both her previous life and this one, Gu Zi had been particularly terrified of rats. They were filthy creatures she preferred not to be near.

Su Shen was acutely aware of the softness of Gu Zis hands clinging to his waist, and the sensation of her crashing into his arms made his heart race. He felt a sudden thirst, yet he maintained his calm demeanor.

Entering the bathroom to investigate the situation, he assured Gu Zi, The rat has already escaped through the window. Theres nothing to be afraid of.

As he spoke, his gaze unintentionally lingered on Gu Zit s exposed form, accentuating her delicate limbs and, well, her dcolletage. He held his breath, his self-control wavering for a moment.

Only then did Gu Zi realize her attire, or lack thereof. She swiftly turned around, her face flushing like a cooked lobster. Im sorry, I was really frightened, she stammered, her face red like a lobster.

Su Shens reply was simple but laced with a concealed restraint. Okay.

Put on your clothes first. Ill be right outside the door. With that, he left the room, gently closing the door behind him.

When the door reopened, Gu Zi was appropriately attired in her pajamas. Meeting Su Shens eyes, she found it difficult to breathe.

Su Shen apologized once more, saying, Im sorry for scaring you. Ill buy some rat poison tomorrow.

Gu Zi quickly reassured him, Im fine now. You dont have to apologize. She raised her head to meet his gaze, admiring his well-defined and handsome features.

After a brief silence, Su Shen took something and placed it in Gu Zits hand. She looked at it and found two hundred yuan. Puzzled, she inquired, Whats this

Su Shen explained, Im often occupied with work, and there are some household tasks I cant take care of. You can use this money if you need anything at home or outside. If its ever insufficient, dont hesitate to ask me. Gu Zi looked at the money in his hand and then at Su Shen.

This man exuded a charming aura. Apart from being handsome, he was also very rich!

His generous nature was unmistakable. He had given her a few hundred not long ago, and now he was giving her another few hundred.

She had to admit that she loved this kind of tacky concern.

Gu Zi smiled and said, Alright, I understand. I have something else to ask you..

